Thursday, August 30, 2007

off Broadway

Day two of Operation "Fake it till you make it" and things are looking up. I talked to my writing partner in D.C. As suspected, he has done fuck all with our play. "I'm more of a 'big picture' type of guy" he says. More like a "up shit creek without a one act play" kinda guy if you ask me. I'll stick out the play in the interest of finishing what I've started, but he shouldn't expect anything spectactular. He said he wanted it to be an "off Broadway" type of play. It'll be "off Broadway", all right. Far, far off Broadway...Fifteen more days until the one-act festival results are announced! I'm so stoked. I'll take Pittsburgh (hell, I'd take Omaha), but New York would be better. In the meantime, I'm trying to get on with this PR company in California doing press releases and speech re-writes. I just found out about it today, so we'll see if it pans out.

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