Saturday, March 29, 2008

the mind of the unmarried man

I know nothing about men, my own husband included (mainly because I don't listen, but nevertheless). Anyhow, I had a curious conversation with a male friend of mine today. Seems that after years of playing the field (a small, very possibly inbred southern town field), he thinks he's ready to settle down for the forever. Of course, he made the mistake of asking me what I thought, so I told him: he's not ready. In fact, he'll never be ready. I'm saying this because, prior to him talking marriage, he talked for a good hour in excruciating detail about how- ahem- "unsatisfying", annoying and culinary-challenged his future bride was. Ya'll, the boy was about to call her a yellow cab because he couldn't be bothered to take her home for fear of having to talk to her. Is this what goes through a man's mind just before the proposal? Somebody clue me in.

There is another side to this story. I tend to place my friends in little boxes: my "crazy" friend, my "logical" friend, my "friend with four children so she can't go out on Saturday nights quite so often" friend and so on. I have two "guy" friends- straight men with those all-important gay man qualities. These men don't want to sleep with me, but will not hesitate to provide advise or scolding when needed. They were also single, so I could joke about how they were destined to die alone. Well, last year, one got married off and upset the delicate balance. Now, it's happening again. I have got to stop putting people in boxes and accept the fact that they are, in fact, people. Life is not a ten minute jobby with them as characters. I wonder if I'm a character in somebody else's life? If so, who/what am I? Hmm. This requires much more metacognition than I'm capable of on a Saturday afternoon.

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