Sunday, April 6, 2008

projects abound

Luckily, I eked out some time this weekend to write. I started writing another ten minute play about a priest. I don't know what it is about priests, rabbis and other holy men, but they seem to always find their way into my work. Maybe I have an unhealthy obsession. Maybe I just need to find something else to write about. Anyway, this play is shaping up to be quite funny, but I'm not sure about the blocking. I want to explore the studio space, you know... My goals for the upcoming week are to finish this first draft of the plantation project and finish the first draft of the ten minute priest play. If I can do that, this week is a success.

Tonight I'm too tired to write, so I just wrote three query letters and will mail them in the morning. Also, the fam in VA made me copies of my short film, so I'm firing them off tomorrow to my sister. She's the leader of the Delafantastika street team, by the way. Anyhow, I'm starting to mispell words like "words" so I'm off to bed. I'll write more when something glorious happens. Peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a fever...and the only cure is more cowbell!