Wednesday, July 30, 2008

our 200th episode

Syndication, here we come! Today marks my 200th blog here at, so let me take this opportunity to thank the academy for their support and tell the haters to eat dirt. Delafantastika forever, baby!

Yesterday, I downloaded my favorite album of all time. No, it isn't "Thriller" or "Frampton Comes Alive". It is the one and only "Anything is Possible" by Debbie Gibson. Eternally uncool to most, this album came into my life at a time of transition. I was fourteen and had my first job (summer hire), my first serious boyfriend, (a twenty-four year old soldier who happened to be a dead ringer for Rick Astley) and my best friend was moving away. When I first heard this record, I thought every song, every lyric was speaking to me. The experience would have been almost spiritual if it weren't so stupid. Anyway, I downloaded it from iTunes yesterday and am listening to it right now. Funny thing is, the songs still have the same effect on me. Debbie Gibson rules.

The real reason I'm writing is that I'm putting off crafting my Statement of Interest for the Disney Fellowship. All I have is one sentence "My name is Delafantastika and I really, really want this fellowship". No amount of encouragement from the Dalai Gibson can mask its lameness. That's it. I've got to get off my butt and finish it. The Statement is the last thing I need for the packet (it's even been notarized) and the packet must be postmarked by tomorrow. There's the ball and I'm getting on it.

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