Sunday, October 7, 2007

Gee, wally! Has it been 50 years already?

Hooray! Today marks the 50th anniversary of "Leave it to Beaver". In honor of the day, TV Land is running 24 hours of the Beav starting this morning. There's an episode that I'm itching to watch. It's called "Beaver and Chuy". It's the one where a (gasp!) Mexican family moves next door to the Cleavers. I was all set to watch, but that's when my civic duty called. See, it was my turn to teach Sunday School. Yes, I know. I'm a heathen myself, but that doesn't mean I'm not a deeply spiritual person with heathen ways. I've been trying to change, but everytime I think I've got it licked, it sucks me back in.

Can I just say that I can't stand pushy Realtors? I'm working with one now (I'm the buyer's agent in this particular transaction) and she wants to close in, by my calculations, twelve days. She really needs to stop smoking that cheap crack. Listen, there are several inspections that need to occur before a house is occupied. Not to mention the ratifying of the contract and all the other papers. Anyway, I totally agree with my clients in that they are not going to be bullied into anything. The seller's financial woes are none of my concern. If this Realtor calls me again (I've heard from her five times in the past 24 hours), I'm going to jack her up by her handlebar mustache.

Soccer began at 1:00 instead of 4:00. I'm supposed to be there now, but I need to call inspectors, pick up some paperwork and, most importantly, celebrate 50 years of good, clean and very, very white television.

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