Thursday, November 15, 2007

free fallin'

I don't know if it's because of the song itself or just the video, but the Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers ditty "Free Fallin" always gives me a feeling of buoyancy. Hence, the entry title. I received two happy emails today. One from an agent that represents T.V. writers. As it turns out, she is more than happy to read my "Cavemen" spec script "with a two week exclusivity toward representing you". Woo-hoo! I'm giving the script a once over again to make sure it has the right mixture of funny and self-referential. I plan to send my baby out into the wind on Monday. Wish me luck.

The second happy email was from a theatre company in Denver. The owner/director lady said she liked that I had dangerous plays and was looking forward to reading them. Over the moon was not the word to describe how I felt! It's November 2007 and I may- just may -end up with representation or at least a venue for a world premiere of my play. A couple of months ago, I sat here lamenting the fact that my writing career had stalled. Crazy how things work out.

I've gotta go and free fall into my script now. Gotta find the funny. Gotta succeed.

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