Wednesday, January 9, 2008

a series of unfortunate events

It's been awhile, so let's catch up, shall we? After that last blog, I had a couple of other sucker punches to the confidence. Most notably, a writer friend of mine called to let me know she had an interview with Russell Simmons' prod co and then of course my sister calls me one night just to tell me how fantastic her life is. Normally, I would be extremely happy for her. However, when I am feeling sorry for myself, I tend to pour it on thick, mold it, stitch it together with pity and wear it as a sport coat. I haven't heard from her since the night she called me with that mess, so I figure she's upset with me. Or maybe she's met Michael Jackson and was invited round to his place for Jesus Juice and conversation. It's L.A. Anything is possible.

Life is now looking up. After a short sabbatical from work yesterday (left three hours early. I've got mad sick hours and need to use those babies up before I leave in May), I feel refreshed and ready to rejoin the game of life. I even bought the newest Poets and Writers magazine yesterday! I also mailed two submissions yesterday. One was "Rick Revisited"- the essay I've been trying to find a home for for about a year and a half. The other was my Potty Mouth play. Oh yes, Manilow-mania rears it perfectly coiffed head. Again, we'll see what happens.

By the way- the results for a play festival I entered are announced on the 22nd! Wish me luck!

Last but not least, I feel compelled to opine about one of my top three television shows: Martin. I received the third season on DVD for Christmas and have been steadily watching it. I got to the last episode on the last disk last night and it's the episode where Martin and Gina got married. I turned it off before it ended. I can't watch that shit. They're getting married. In Season 4, the dynamic is bound to change. Where is the conflict between Martin and Gina? There are also episodes of this season that have absolutely no resolution and cut to commercial at awkward places in the story. Of course, when I was in the ninth grade watching this, none of this mattered. However, after reading about TV writing and practicing writing my own shows, it's plain as day. Not that I will ever stop watching Martin, mind you. Just thought I'd share.

Catch you on the flip side, Clyde.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you went! School starts tomorrow and I needs my daily de la Fantastika.