Wednesday, December 10, 2008

hotel california

Fast forward a few days (and more than a few missing blogs): I'm writing this from my hotel room in Los Angeles waiting for Katmandu to finish with school so she can drive my nervous ass down to give my spiel. I wonder what's gonna happen? I have a sneaking suspicion that they're not going to just buy the script, but it'll be awesome practice for me to pitch. I wonder how many people will be in the room? There's no point thinking about those things, though. I mean, I can't very well call ahead and be like "Yeah, you better not have a whole lot of punk suckers in the room trying to intimidate me and shit. Mama don't play that", can I? There's not much else for me to do but finish this blog and dance along to the "Thriller" video. Do you know how hard it is to pull off a zombie-shuffle/ overhead-combo while typing?

Anyway, I've gotta go to Ralphs for some foodstuffs. Catch you on the flip side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, Thriller?! LMBAO!!!