Friday, December 19, 2008

notes from an L.A. producer's waiting room

10 Dec. 2008 (written while in the waiting room)

Wow! I cannot believe this dude is yelling at his secretary in front of me! How unprofessional. Plus, their offices are in the freaking barrio. Hey, I dunno how to even spell "barrio", but hopefully I won't have to spell it again.

There's one guy that seems like he's pretty cool. He's brown, sort of a Ramses-type, but nice enough. But that other joker? Sheesh almighty! Never wanna run into him on a bad day.

What's-his-nuts is running late, so I'm cold chillin' in their waiting room. A REAL LIVE MOVIE PRODUCER'S waiting room!!! I know I'm sounding mad goober, but it's just too exciting for words. Hopefully, this'll all be over soon and I can get back to the business at hand- writing.

Side note: I bought this notebook because I didn't bring a small, purse-sized one for the meeting. I dunno if I'm supposed to be taking notes or not but I figure showing up with pen and paper is always a plus.

Okay, so home skillet is now a good twenty minutes late. I'm starting to have my doubts. I mean, really? With the barrio digs and the angry "bosses" running around? You'd think with all the loot they made from (really popular movie franchise), they'd have a clock up in this piece. Still, I am digging the exposed brick, Ikea furniture of it all.

Ramses just poked his head out and offered me water, Oreo snacks and/or trail mix. What a considerate pharaoh! I took the water (just like the "taking a meeting" chapter of the book said to), but truth be told, I'm not all that thirsty.

Dude is SO not respecting my time. Katmandu has somewhere to go- I can't be sitting here jacking around. This just shows me that there's probably no money for me today *sigh*. Twenty more minutes and then my chocolate ass is bouncing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"What a considerate pharaoh" LOL!!!