Saturday, October 20, 2007

the argentinian

We just got back from the D.C. United v/s Columbus Crew game (3-2 Columbus, by the way). D.C. United looked like a bunch of short bus rookies out there tonight, fumbling around like virgins on prom night. I guess that's what happens after you've made the playoffs and don't give a damn. Anyway, when D.C. United finally managed to shit out a goal, the stands went wild. My husband and I were sitting next to a young, cool couple and we had two crazy Argentinians behind us. The Argentinians smelled like they had been drinking since, oh, Tuesday and every third word out of their mouths was "puto", but I digress. So we score this goal and me and the female half of the cool couple get excited and we hug. Well, Mr. Drunk Argentinian decides to get in on the action and pulls us both into a bear hug. What's more, this fucker kissed me! He kissed me on my freaking mouth! I almost DIED. If there's anything I hate worse than death by hungry octopus, it's fluid sharing. I wanted to die, but I thought it would be rude.

Earlier, I sat an open house for a collegue of mine. It was a total bust, but I did get to finish watching "Attack of the Puppet People" and "Teenagers from Outer Space". Tomorow, I have another open house, so I'll finish up "Alligator People" and the awesome $1 Sci-Fi DVD I found at Wally Martinez.

Oh yeah, I got my certificates from Writer's Digest. It seems "Kelly's Haven", "Expiration Date" and "Cooking with Bixby and Kenzo" all received Honorable Mention in the TV/ Movie Script Category. That means they received anywhere from 11th to 100th place. I'll check the website and get back with you on the actual placements. I didn't think Bix and Kenz was gonna do anything of note; it was written well before I started learning in earnest about the television sitcom format. Oh well. Thank God for small victories, right? Barring any naughty Argentinians, tomorrow should be great, too.


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Dude. That kiss soiunded gross. Did your man punch out the guy?

Delafantastika said...

I was too shocked to do anything. He was lucky I didn't vomit into his filthy mouth.