Thursday, November 29, 2007

If "if" was a fifth, we'd all be drunk as fuck

Didn't mail the pages. Too lazy to care. Why spend the money when the shit's gonna be rejected anyway? I could use that dollar to buy a Kit-Kat.

As the title suggests, I've been bitten by the "if" bug. What if I don't make it as a writer? If I do make it, what will I have to sacrifice? If I do have a movie made, then what? What if I run out of stories to tell?

Tomorrow is my work Christmas party and I'm not wanting to go. There is a large contingent of people at this job that, had I a dick, I would tell them to suck it. But since I don't have a dick and I've already RSVP'd, I'm gonna go ahead and show my face. I think I've gained weight, though. Luckily, I won't be the fattest person in the room.

Today was a strange day indeed. At work, I didn't feel like doing anything. At home, I felt like doing even less. I did write today, though. Began outlining a story I inspired by toast crumbs in the butter, if you can believe that. I don't know how commercial it is. Don't even know if there's a real story in there. Unlike the toast crumbs. Those were real as hell.

On another note, it looks like I'm going to Ski Week in January with my husband and in-laws. Can't say I'm looking forward to it. My mother-in-law is an interesting study, but a whole week might drive me to drink (absinthe). Look, I don't want to have to explain why I think her daughter is a putz or why I don't practice random acts of procreation. But my husband has this need to see his family. I'll go to keep her from pouncing all over my son- asking him why he's not like her sons. That's is, practically perfect in every way, of course. Yeah, so my son loves his video games and can be a lazy butt munch. But he's my lazy butt munch. And if the MIL thinks that she's got a captive audience to regale us with tales of what God's gifts to the textbook industry her children (and my sister-in-law's children) are, I'm ghost. Packing my shit and WALKING to the nearest airport.

That was extremely tangential and i've since forgotten what the original thought was. I'm tired now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had to look up 2 words your used. I feel dumb.