Thursday, February 5, 2009

you spin me round round, baby, round round...

Sitting here in the familiar pink robe doing the familiar "write-revise-release" dance of the struggling writer, I decided to take a break and let you know what's new. Ah, the power of the blog! No sooner had I written that I hadn't heard from the Holiday Plans director (and how I didn't care because life sucked anyway...), did he text me with an apology and an assurance that production would go forward this month. Yay, but it's a Valentine's Day-themed script and I don't think it's going to make it out by next weekend. They do have a quick turnaround time, so let's see...

I've finished the revisions for the full-of-crap Barriowood producers. But instead of just sending it to them, I'm gonna submit the script to the Austin Film Festival. It couldn't hurt and I need the exposure.

Speaking of exposure, I'm going to call Stan Rogow and show my ass. That's Corbin Bleu's manager/gatekeeper and he's going to get a full frontal view of my chocolate moon today. What kind of professional can't shoot off a "thanks, but no thanks" email? I can't wait to tell him where he and his bald-headed black granny can go. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, it could be his air-headed assistant's fault that nothing has happened. What if she's in charge of reading scripts? What if she's the keymaster to his gatekeeper? Heaven forbid if she's anything like the other empty-headed, silicone-injected, failed abortions that roam the streets of Los Angeles.

I'm actually looking forward to this chat. Until then, back on the hamster wheel...

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