Monday, January 19, 2009

ball gags

I spent the last few days writing and rewriting Holiday Plans 2 and finally emailed it off on Thursday. Yesterday, the director called me to say that he got my email, but hasn't read the script yet. Whatevers. It's a good, clean family-friendly script which means that some of my best testicle jokes (or "ball gags", as it were) had to be left on the cutting room floor. *sigh*

Corbin Bleu's manager hasn't called/written/ sent a courier pigeon through my window, so I'm going to leap to the foregone conclusion that he's uninterested in Lucas Donovan. My sister and my husband keep telling me that "good news is no news" but with flaky Hollywood types, no news could just mean that he's too lazy/ too self-important to hand down a rejection and that he'd rather ignore me- or have a restraining order put against me. One of the two.

For some reason, I'm unable to blog over at myspace, so until that little glitch is worked out, me and my random thoughts (and my testicle jokes) will be camped out here. In the meantime, I have to get ready for work, so I'll check back in when something marvelous happens.

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