Wednesday, April 9, 2008

bonafide dual hyphenate

Yay! Fantastic news! My play "Cleaver" has been chosen for production in San Antonio! This is excellent news because it's the first time I've ever had a play on stage. I feel like this is one more step toward making it. In fact, at the risk of sounding too sure, I feel like I HAVE made it. Sure, I don't have an agent and my romantic comedy isn't being filmed in Toronto right now, but so what? I've had a short movie made and now my play will debut on stage next month. Hey, I'm now a screenwriter-playwright! How about them apples?

After I received word that my play was going to be performed, I thought the day couldn't get any better. Boy, was I wrong! My mentor emailed me and said that the movie producers/ financiers behind his latest movie were on the lookout for a low budget thriller and/or horror script to shoot. He thought I might have something for them. Ha! You know I do...I dipped into the vault and found the ol' "shady nightclub owner gets comeuppance" piece and send him the logline. There's good money involved, so I'm hoping this might lead to something. We'll see.

I'm watching "Murder, She Wrote" tonight. I remember watching this show as a kid. It's very entertaining. Tonight's episode is how Jessica Fletcher is learning to use a computer to write her stories. I freaking love this nostalgic stuff!

Oh my goodness. Did you know that Dr. Kroger from Monk died tonight? It's a jungle out there, indeed.

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