Thursday, April 17, 2008

playing catch up

I admit it. I've been remiss in my blogging duties. But that's only because I've been running around like a headless crackhead on fire. I finally finished the Night Gallery play and sent it off, feeling mad groovy. The next day, I received my "thanks for submitting" email which contained two very important pieces of information. Number one: winners will be announced in mid-May and number two: they received over 1,000 entries. Hmm. Did I say I was feeling groovy? Make that hopeless.

In other non-writing news, my son is starting to really piss me off. He has become lazy beyong recognition. He wore ripped clothes today because he couldn't be bothered to make the long, lonely trek across the frozen tundra through freezing rain (read: two hundred feet downstairs to the laundry room) to see if he had pants in the dryer. His room smells so fetid, you would think he was shitting in his pillowcases and, to top it off, he has forgotten how to tell time. He's damn near eight! Is this normal for boys? You know what? Scratch that. I don't care if it's normal, the shit is unacceptable and it's got to stop.

I was so angry with him, I put him upstairs until I could calm down and finish my blog. It's time for me to go get him, but remind me to tell you about Ruby Tuesdays.

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