Sunday, April 27, 2008

getting stuck in

A couple of weeks ago, I talked about how I had hit a creative wall and was unable to do anything. I even went so far as to blame the minor success of "Cleaver" on my laziness. Now I understand what it was. It was- wait for it -laziness! Sheer and utter. I was so wrapped up in what was going to happen once I got to San Antonio, if the audience would laugh at my jokes or how I was going to make myself sound deep and literary when and/or if audience members asked me a question. But when I step back I recognize these thoughts for what they really are: devices to keep me from doing the very thing that I was put on this Earth to do: write, damn it!

So, I stopped the foolish mind games and got stuck into my plantation piece. I finished the first draft. It's very rough, but it's finished. Tomorrow I will make the necessary changes and on Tuesday, I'm walking the grounds again with my writing partner. We're going to use the trip to kind of act out the script and see if a) the dialogue works out loud and b) enough time is allotted per station for the complete story to be told. Speaking of my writing partner, damned if she hasn't written a doggone thing yet. She said she should have her part complete by Tuesday. Fingers crossed because I'm not too confident in what I've written. Make no mistake- I know I'm talented, but I've never written a period piece. Saying that I'm expanding my horizons is an understatement. I'll let you know how that goes...

I've been e-querying playwriting markets asking them if they accept short play submissions. Two theatre companies in Chicago were the recipients of some such emails this week. One company said they only accept full length submissions and the other said they are reading submissions of all lengths for their upcoming season. I sent them the ol' Potty Mouth. Modesty be damned, I love that play! I can totally see it on stage and if I can see it, then I can be it, right? I think Tony the Tiger used to say that. He's GRRRRRREAT!

I'm writing this through half-mast lids, so it's time for me to sign off. Peace out. Poison rocks, by the way. "Something to Believe In" is my favorite song. It's on the imaginary soundtrack to my notional movie "Pop Life". It comes in at a poignant moment where my main character discovers that her mother has died in her sleep. It's GRRRRRRRIPPING.

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