Saturday, May 17, 2008

live from's Saturday night!

Yesterday was pretty uneventful- the last day at work, took me out to lunch, went home, yadda-ya. The real fun began this morning when my husband and I got up at the ass-crack of dawn to fly down to Dallas to find the home and put an offer in. We found a home and will make the offer tomorrow. Unfortunately, the house has only been on the market for 12 days, so they may not take our lowball-but-not-quite-insulting offer. I'll let you know tomorrow.

While on the plane, I finished the first draft of my priest play. Right now it's being called "Confession Session" but you'd better believe that's gonna change. I personally don't like that title, but I needed a title under which to save the file. I was feeling pretty cocky, too- fleshed out the main character, humanized the priest and everything. We got back to the hotel and I pulled out my laptop all ready to be productive when I realize that I left my thumb drive with the file at home. Grrr! I'm still awake, so I guess I'll work on Bad Joke. Oh yes, Bad Joke is still floating out there unfinished and mocking me. Bad Joke. Ha! There was never a more appropriate title for a piece.

Well, tomorrow is writing up an offer in the morning and city exploration for the rest of the afternoon. I'll let you know how it all turns out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's Bad Joke about?