Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mighty Epiphany

While poring over my disco play, I had an epiphany. See, in writing this play, I had a nebulous idea that involved a lot of smaller theme particles orbiting these four characters. Ayway, I was so enamored by the ten minute play format (I had just discovered this format for myself, mind) that I was trying to shoe-horn the entire story- themes, particles and all- into ten minutes with minimal regard paid to character development. As a result, as my sister noted, Chip's character remained unexplored. As I continued reading my "Elements of Playwriting" book (if you write plays, you need this book), I noticed that Dot and Chip's "relationship" didn't arc. That is, they didn't begin at odds with each other and travel along the same relationship line like the Senator and Sparkle.

So, I've scrapped the idea of trying to fit it into a neat ten minutes and focused on exploring Dot and Chip as a unit. I mean, the framework for their relationship was there, but it was me not willing and/or able to flesh it out on the page. So, I wrote out my notes and need to get onto my computer (dead battery and all) to make the revisions.

Can't remember if I told you this, but I'm going to write a coffee shop play for the Los Angeles contest. I fully do not expect to win. It's like that whole Night Gallery/ Rod Serling play (I didn't get into that one, either). You don't expect to win, but it's a fun writing prompt And if I win, well, it's another play in my repetoire, right?

Gotta go and get started on the coffee play...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's a coffee shop play?