Sunday, October 19, 2008

dat n*gga in the alley

Man, has it been a weekend or what? On Friday, I went to the Slamdance awards ceremony. My stomach was in knots the entire way there. I couldn't concentrate on anything all day. All I kept thinking was- what if I came all the way out here, my husband paid all this money, and I don't win anything? What if I'm not even an honorable mention? So, I got there and it was crawling with stereotypical literary types: all tweed, elbow patches and black framed eyeglasses. You could spit and hit a peasant skirt. Naturally, I thought: how am I supposed to schmooze in here? Fast forward to the awards: the honorable mentions were announced: no "Lucas Donovan". Then she started from the bottom: "Number 10...Number 9 is...". Still no me. Then she called number five and it was "Lucas Donovan"!!! I was top 5 at Slamdance, yo! I scurried up to the front to get my bag and damned if I couldn't stop smiling. I didn't want to make anyone else feel bad, but your girl was relieved.

The next morning, I caught a plane back home and the family and I drove to my "Pusherman" play in San Antonio. It was wonderful! My play was first, so the lights went down, there was a pause and then the first bars of "Pusherman" started playing. Everyone's head started bobbing and right when the song was getting good, the lights came up on Steffi and Wanda. It's incredible to watch characters that you've created in your head come to life on stage. Kind of like the Tommyknockers, but without staking and ax murders. Anyway, after the play was over there was a question and answer period with the directors, writers and audience. Well, my director said that my play had a "stupid" premise and it was quirky and that's why he wanted to direct it. Stupid? Hmm. That audience almost got to get a bonus show because I wanted to choke him. Afterward, folks said what he meant was a "simple" premise, but I tell you what: he never came up to me to apologize, so if I EVER see his narrow ass in the street (in the words of the late Bernie Mac), there's gonna be a misunderstanding. At the end of the night, though, I'm pretty sure he knew where I stood.

All in all, it was a bang-up weekend and it's only going to get better. Don't believe me? Watch this space.

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