Friday, October 31, 2008

mediate, appreciate, defecate...

Quick updates:

1) I didn't spontaneously defecate when I made the Slamdance Top 50 nor did I die when I made the Top 25. I guess those really are just figures of speech, huh? For the record, I have spontaneously defecated before and it was not fun. I lost a big hunk of dignity, not to mention a great pair of footless tights.

2) "Potty Mouth" made it to the semifinals of a playwriting competition in North Carolina, but didn't win. What is wrong with this play?? It is my favorite of them all, but I can't BUY a production! "Mighty Real" hits the stage next month- my convoluted, period melodrama featuring a drag queen. I didn't think MR was all that great, but I'm not looking a gift horse in his play producing mouth.

3) Kat made her roommate cry. That's what I'm talking about.

4) I'm totally stressing over this LD thing. My greatest wish? LD gets made, I get an agent, they ask what else I've got and I push out the wheelbarrow o' stuff. What I'm afraid will happen? LD will fizzle out, I get disillusioned and never win that Oscar. Well, that's my second biggest fear. My first biggest fear is that Popeyes will go out of business and I'll never get my two piece (mild) with a biscuit (2 honey packets and cajun rice- wot, wot!) again.

5) Popeyes was the reason I spontaneously defecated in the first place. Wow! How's that for circular? :-)

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