Thursday, October 30, 2008

woe is L.D.

So this afternoon, I get an email from Slamdance and attached is an email from a production company I contacted yesterday. It said that they do not accept unsolicited material. What?! I called these ass phantoms yesterday and got the go-ahead to send the script via Slamdance. The Slamdance coordinator girl was all "Don't worry about these people. There will be plenty more who want to read your script".

Or will there?

Later on, I get another email sent to me along with the rest of the Slamdancers. The gist of it was that the inquires about our scripts are slowing down and she highly recommends that we do some personal marketing of our own and try to seek representation. This makes me anxious. I've contacted almost every agent in the Hollywood Representation Directory and gotten the same response: no. I emailed CB's manager's assistant yesterday to see if she received the script and still haven't gotten an answer. Why is this happening? Is my script not good enough? Is the moon not yet full? Am I too short- what's the dealy?

Okay- I've gotta get back on the phones. I'll let you know if something wonderful happens.

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