Thursday, October 16, 2008

the prodigal blogger

Ya'll, there is a really good explanation for me not blogging since Moses was in diapers. Some idiot in my neighborhood was using my IP address to send out spam, so what does Time Warner Cable do? They cut off MY service instead of punishing him. That's right. Products of the Texas school system. You gotta love it.

Anyway, the last time I was here, I was talking about how stoked I was to be top 50. Well, sweet Moses on a rope, I've made it to the top 25! That's right, kiddos. Yours truly is getting on a plane tomorrow morning for Los Angeles and by tomorrow night- 7:30pm to be exact- I will know if I've won the freaking SLAMDANCE! You cannot possibly know how excited I am about this. I've had a headache ever since Monday when I found out that I had advanced. But it'll be over soon enough.

In the meantime, I've been writing away in Responsibility Camp. In all honesty, I think I have two main stories going on at once. I need to take a step back and figure out which story is the main one. I mean, in my inappropriate romantic comedy, I could have spent half the time talking about why Will wasn't allowed to be alone with Ally, but in the final analysis, it just wasn't that important.

Even though it's only October, I've been thinking about my writing goals for the next year. This year has been WONDERFUL as far as writing goes. My stage plays- which kinda started out as a hobby- have been well received, so next year I plan on completing my full length play tentatively called "Socially Relevant Bollocks". I want to finish it, have it critiqued to death and submitted to an off-off Broadway or off Broadway theatre. That's the playwriting goal. The screenwriting goal is to 1) get an agent, 2) sell a script. Look familiar? Those have been my writing goals since 2003.

Man! I have wicked gas. Not like you needed to know, but I felt like sharing. Jack in the Box tacos always tear me up. I'll write more tomorrow from the city of Angeles. Fingers crossed and rosaries out, people! I'm tryin' to win!!!

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