Saturday, October 25, 2008


I told you things were gonna get better!

Post-Slamdance, the ol' adrenaline levels lowered and I danced danger close to depression territory. But all was not lost. The folks from the contest wrote me yesterday with two pieces of good news. Number one- my script has been requested by/ sent to two new production companies above and beyond the original sponsors. Number two- everyone has been requesting information on the winning scripts, so they need a treatment of our works no later than Monday. Grr! I don't have a script treatment on hand, so after I finish this blog, I have to try and make one up. I'm worried that everybody else has treatments already made up and I don't. If that's the case, then I'll be behind the power curve. But I shouldn't worry about what everybody else has, right? I just need to make sure I bring my "A" game.

I don't know how to write a treatment, so I called my mentor to get some help. True to form, he said "You're over-thinking this, kid. Just write it and read it to me over the phone".

Last night, my sister called me upset about her roommate who is an idiot from Arizona. I already don't like Arizona people because they were one of the last ones to recognize Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day. ANYway, she's having issues with this cow and it made me angry. Not because I don't think my sister can handle her business, but because I wasn't there to "fix" it. Back in the day, I wouldn't hesitate to jump in somebody's shit on her behalf (a crazy JROTC kid comes to mind) and I SO wanted to rock that little girl's world last night. But I know she put it down on that girl so advanced kudos to Kat!

Okay, I'm gonna stop stalling and get back to this treatment. Wish me luck.

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