Friday, July 11, 2008

a writing fool

The last few days have been nothing, if not totally productive. I'm back to querying ten times a day and it is working. I don't think I ever discussed why I chose ten times a day. See, back when I was a practicing real estate agent, my mentor would constantly stress how success is a numbers game. "The more people you talk to," she was say in her Brooklyn-ese, "the more opportunities you have for somebody to say 'yes'". And you know what? She was right. That's why sixty or so queries a year just wasn't cutting it! Now that I've been shooting out these queries, I've gotten some measure of success.

So far, I received two requests- TWO- for my full Lucas Donovan script. I've also received another option on a short film and several requests for loglines. Yay, me.

Yesterday, the results of the Script Pimp TV writing contest were supposed to be announced. I haven't heard anything, so after I finish this sentence, I'll check their website to see if my name pops up in the winner's circle. Wouldn't that just beat all?

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