Friday, November 7, 2008

gonna fly now

Today I have one mission and one mission alone: to find the sheet music to Rocky. I rented a trumpet yesterday morning and have been playing ever since. It's so much fun to play a musical instrument again! Next, I want to learn the guitar. I have an electronic learning guitar, but the neck is too wide (or my hands are too midgety- whatever), so I'll save my pennies and buy myself one someday.

I have things I wanted to do today, but in truth- I don't feel like doing a damned thing. My son's teacher called me yesterday and, in short, his behavior is terrible. He talks all the time, makes noises and generally disrupts the class. It makes me angry because I'm trying to raise him the best I can, but something just isn't clicking. On top of that, my husband is leaving again on some kind of business trip, so I'm left to mop up this crap. It's not his fault; it's just the way things are. I've gotta get a specialist referral today so we can get him tested for ADHD. *sigh*

Depression is a word that I tend to throw out there every other day, but this overwhelming feeling of being, well...overwhelmed isn't going away. I've felt anxiety since we moved here. Granted, there's no other place on our list of choices I would have wanted to live, but I never knew it would be this hard here. The no job/ misbehaving kid thing has really got me down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww. :(