Friday, October 5, 2007

monkey weave

I got to thinking today about being busy. See, my days are always full. My friends think I'm kidding when I say "Let me check my calendar". Anyway, am I busy or just in a hurry? There is a distinct difference in my mind. To me, busy equates to productivity. What am I producing? What am I doing/where am I going? Whereas in a hurry simply means moving quickly from one thing to another. But I could easily be flitting from one nothing to another nothing without actually accomplishing squat. That's my deep thought for the day. If my life has to be full, then I'd rather be "busy" than "hurried".

Yesterday, I read a couple of articles that were interesting. The first was about how five random acts of kindness can be good for the soul and boost one's moood. Me, being the quantitative pinhead that I am, immediately began a checklist. So far, there have been two receipients of my goodwill(and it's not even noon! Surely that counts for something). I don't know if I can squeeze in any more. After all, I'm a very busy person! :-)

The other article was about how married couples tend to take on each other's habits. This may be true. I have this habit of making up games and playing them throughout the day with unsuspecting strangers. My favorite is to pick an unusual compound word. Nut Sack, for instance. Then, I lure people into conversations where I try to get them to say the word "nut sack". It's hilarious! It's like playing charades when the other person has no idea that they're playing! The word for today, boys and girls, is "Monkey Weave". My husband used to think this was a silly game, until I caught him trying to play with me. Ha!

Now I've got to go and bait somebody into a conversation about primates who make baskets. Or do hair. Whichever.


Elayne said...

OMG!!! You kill me! Have you made me the butt of this game as well? I'm lovin' it! Sounds like a good one for me to try on my classmates.

Delafantastika said...

I only play with those whose conversation would otherwise leave me weeping with boredom. So not you!! :-)

Elayne said...

I don't know if I should be jealous or tickled that I am a conversationalist :) You know you are awesome and so creative. One day, the whole world will recognize that and give you your due!!! Keep truckin'!