Tuesday, October 23, 2007

very tired

I was exhausted today and hardly got anything done- at work or with writing. This evening I cooked two meals, which made me feel a little less like a slug. At work, I've been stuck on a party-planning committee and the women there were talking about food. What to serve, what colors go with what, what's a starch...I kept thinking over and over: why am I here? I don't even like food! All that talk about ham and green beans made me want to throw up.

I'm still exhausted, but I feel like I need to accomplish something. Beyond laying here and watching The Golden Girls (2nd season-the episode "The Actor" is too funny!), I don't know what else I can manage. I should go buy a replacement for the casserole dish I exploded a few months back. My eyes are drooping, so I'll write more later.

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