Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Texas sucks

The one time I was truly proud of my older sister is when she got a job at Kmart. She worked at the jewelry counter, had her own apartment and was finally paying her bills with taxable income. Anyway, she lost that job because she cussed her manager out. It seems he wanted her to wear shoes to work. Well, this was unacceptable! My sister explained that she was on her feet all day behind the counter and $9.99 house shoes from aisle 6 were a suitable alternative to, say, loafers. Because of this, she lost her job. I don't think she's held steady employment since.

Who the fuck wears slippers to work? She's insane! And what's more insane is that this green eye contact, quick-weave-wearing plankton is raising two children that she is apparently "home schooling" in an unheated, no running water trailer. I can overlook the whole Jed Clampett trailer thing, but how is she home schooling these children? The chick has a GED and her man is CLINICALLY INSANE! In an effort to save the children, my younger, more sane sister and I ring Texas social services every month, but to no avail.

I wish I could be proud of her, but I can't. I wish I could take her children and give them a life they can be proud of, but I can't. So instead, I'll blog about it and call social services again in the morning. Texas, you suck.

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