Sunday, November 25, 2007

gallileo! gallileo!

These past few days have been relaxing. No, I haven't heard anything from the agents reading my work, but I've spent quite a bit of time on my latest work. I'm on page 60 right now (presently taking a break to blog it out) and will probably get up to 70 quality pages by day's end. Last night and this morning, I revisited the outline and figured out what I was missing. As a writer, it's a tricky thing to translate the entire story in your head onto the page.

My confidence in my Cavemen script is waning. My sister read it for me (after it had been submitted) and pointed out a glaring defect that no-one else found. Well, shit. Not much I can do about it now; it's already been mailed. I also haven't heard anything from any of the playhouses I've submitted work to. It's the holiday season, though. So, I expect everyone is moving at the speed of yuletide these days.

I've taken my husband's advice and thrown myself into other activities so I'm not sitting around waiting for the rejection/contracts in the mail. Our neighborhood Christmas party is in two weeks and I've appointed myself chairperson for the festivities. I've rediscovered my love for online shopping and Freddy Mercury. Alas, it hasn't been all and Bohemian Rhapsody. I also learned that my son is the most conniving person on the planet and I can't trust him. Point blank. He's a liar. How does one raise a liar? And more importantly, how does one un-raise a liar? He is also a showboating know-it-all. I'm truly at a loss as to what to do with him. I do know that the festival of indulgence that has been his life so far has come to an end. It's time for him to grow up.

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