Monday, November 19, 2007

into the wild, blue yonder

Can you hear that? It's me humming the old Air Force jingle: "Off we go! Into the wild blue yonder!" This fateful morning, I'm sending off my Cavemen spec into the wide world. I'm fairly confident, though. The better part of the weekend was spent writing, rewriting, tweaking (and drinking martinis, but that doesn't have anything to do with the script) and now I can say that it is as finished and as funny as it is going to get.

I still haven't heard anything back from that LA agency about Lucas Donovan. No news is good news, or so the saying goes. I sent it out on 11/7 and it's been almost two weeks. It's a short script (about 90 pages) and everyone that's read it says it's a quick read. Maybe she's already passed on it and my rejection is enroute? Or maybe she was blindsided by my genius and is drawing up a contract? Wouldn't that just beat the band? I'm choosing to think positive.

Negotiations between WGA and producers are set for 11/26. I'm rooting for them, but not too much. After all, I need time to secure representation before people go back to work. After the strike, I'm not going to have their attention like I do now. But if the writers emerge victorious with more money from online streaming and iTunes downloads, then it could only benefit me in the long run.

Remember that song "If I Had" on Eminem's first CD? Recommend revisiting it. For all of us would-be screenwriters, novelists, fashion designers, rock stars, astronauts... the desperation in his voice is oh-so-familiar.

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