Friday, November 9, 2007


Gas is now $2.91 a gallon where I live. I must say that, although I think it's a crock of warm shit, I'm thankful the cost doesn't hit me in the pocketbook like many others.

I still love Dog the Bounty Hunter. A lot more people than you'd imagine think and say a lot worse. I know I've thought and said a lot worse about my own people. Like Chris Rock said, "There are black people and there are N*ggers". I love black people. I can't stand n*ggers. And for the record, n*ggers come in 37 flavors and then some.

Well, I've gotta get my black ass out of bed and make it through the day. Scratch that. I'm going to make a difference to someone today. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

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