Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Good fortunes

I'm having the most freakingist awesomist day a human being could have (so awesome it defies proper conjugation, damn it)! This morning, I received a note from a Hollywood agency saying they'd gotten my query letter and were interested in reading the screenplay. I filled out the release and sent it off this morning. This is another milestone for me- only the second time this has happened! The first was a small Georgia production company that look so long to review the piece (almost a year) that I actually wrote to them and requested that they withdraw my script from consideration. Alas, it's a new day and a new script (that last one involved a drag queen and a one-legged reporter, so in retrospect it was probably for the best that my name wasn't associated with that trash in public).

Needless to say, I am over the moon with this news! Could this be the break I've been waiting for?

I've finished the outline for my Cavemen script. Am I going to wait until the strike is over to run out and find a home for it? Let the church say "Hell, no, bitches!" It's like this, potnah: remember that episode of Alice where Mel and the girls were locked in the stockroom? They were in there for hours, a captive audience to Vera's particular brand of homespun foolishness. Well, the WGA strike is the locked storeroom and it's me and the agents, baby. A captive audience. Want something to read? You don't have working clients or new projects. In fact, by my reckoning, you ain't got nothin' but time...

Life is too good today.

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