Wednesday, November 21, 2007

pep talk

I'm so tired right now that I can barely hold my big head up. All this waiting for agent's replies is taking a toll on my psyche, which in turn, is taking a toll on my body. As it write this, my son keeps nagging me to do something with him, but I'm giving him the old stiff arm. Ya'll, he likes to watch the same shit every day and I'm just not feeling it tonight. And I sure as hell don't want to play "Guess Who" or "Scrabble" with his cheating ass. So, I'm gonna log in my thoughts, then hit the sack.

On another note: am I missing the point of Christmas? I only have five gifts picked out for my husband and I'm stressing. Resolved: I'll buy the five things I have picked out and then other things as they come up. My Lord, it's actually become a competition. I can't let him out-give me!

Can I just say how much I love talking to my writer buddies? One of them read my Cavemen spec today and actually laughed out loud! She gives feedback like a champ and I respect her for that. Whenever I feel like I'm spinning my wheels in the mud of the undiscovered, she reminds me of the thing that all artists need to hear every once in a while: that we do what we do because we can and we must. That doesn't mean that artists don't require practice, but I believe that if we weren't called in some way to create, then we wouldn't. Not everybody will appreciate your art, but that's okay. She's having a bit of a time with editors who are looking for so-called "everything", but aren't feeling her work. It will come for her, I know. Her storytelling and character building is far superior to mine. Publishing houses are definitely sleeping on her.

If you aim for the moon, you will get there (or at least a brilliant star). But no matter where you aim, as long as you land farther than you are, you're a success.

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