Friday, January 11, 2008

interesting day

Firstobal (I had a friend from Puerto Rico once and she would always write "firstobal"; I think it was supposed to be "first of all" but whatever), I had a conversation with an ex-Special Forces Vietnam Vet today at work. He just popped by my office to chat and chat we did. Usually, I would have been steamed at him for interrupting primo online shopping, but it was a Friday at two o'clock and, truth be told, I wasn't doing shit anyway. So, we talked about history and the fall of Saigon in 1975. I love history, so listening to him talk was better than any lecture from my nice enough, but incontinent college professor.

That wasn't a typo. Dr. So and So was very competent, but he would wee indiscriminately- like a field mouse. The man used to wet himself mid-lecture. That kind of issue is hard to hide in a baby blue seersucker leisure suit.

I also received a rejection from a playhouse in Ohio. This one was for my awesome full length hippie play. I'm not too broken up about it. You see, I'm currently reading a book called Elements of Playwriting and it has pointed out to me all the things that are wrong with the play. Of course, I didn't know all the rules going in, but now that I'm aware, I realize my masterpiece needs tweaking.

Then, I received an email from an ex of mine. He's in "love" again, going on and on about his latest conquest. He also asked me what I thought. I told him he needs to slow his roll because this time last year, he was switching up phone numbers and skipping town because he was being stalked by the Ghosts of Conquests Past. He chalked that situation up to him putting it down animal style; I know it's because he's a pompous manchild who is allergic to monogamy. "Put it on them"? Home skillet needs to peddle those wack tales to someone who doesn't know any better. I'm not one to swallow and tell, so I won't. But let me say that, although he was a nice enough person to hang out with, it wasn't all that memorable. Straight up Pink Floyd, ya'll: just another dick in the wall. I know how to pick 'em and whenever we talk, I'm thankful that I left that shit on the vine.

Well, friends and neighbors, it's time to head off to bed. Tomorrow morning we're off to Colorado for skiing. Should be fun. A change of scenery, new energy, new inspiration. Don't look now, but I think I'm actually looking forward to it!

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