Thursday, January 10, 2008

the other side

People are like planets. No matter what face we're shown, no matter how genuine they seem at the time, there's a side that is completely shaded from view. Personally, this is my darkest, most frigid side. One of my goals in life is to acknowledge this and stop hiding it from the world and from myself. Today I caught a glimpse of the dark side of Fantastika. See, I visited my brother's myspace page and saw that his hero was our sister (the fashionista). Hmm. I'm his older sister and I always thought I was a kick-ass role model. Not so. Truth be told, we don't even know each other. The last time I spoke to him was about eight years ago. He's never met my son. If we did speak, what would we talk about? I doubt we have anything in common. I don't know if we ever did.

I leave on Saturday for our ski trip with the in-laws. Ya'll, I'm not in the mood to take any shit from these people, all right? Not eating fish head soup, not entertaining lectures on more children/less career/more fiber in my diet/less diet in my diet. The only good thing coming out of this will be visiting with my friend and sometime-muse, big D-Pain. I haven't seen her since last year's writing conference. This woman is so literate, it's humbling. The weight of her mind is staggering and she plays a mean game of Monkey Weave! Good times, people. Good times.

Today I had an idea for a play. Yes, another ten-minute jobby. In my wildest dreams, I envision all four or five of the ten- minuters produced as a Playwright's Showcase of some kind. None of them are related; it would just be neat to see. Anyway, the play would be about swingers in the 1970s. Maybe a swinging couple or a husband and wife with an open marriage. I was grooving to my 70s FM classics (don't sleep on Bread!) and was inspired.

Introspection break-a lot of my work, especially the plays, revolve around a certain time period. I have a fifties play, a sixties play, and a seventies play. This will be my second seventies play. Gotta think up a working title...

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