Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Muhfukka, I'm Dre!

So, I've decided to get off my bloody ass (literally. My period came early) and do something about my seeming inability to break into the world of playwriting. To that end, the better part of the afternoon was spent researching playwriting classes and wouldn't you know that two colleges near me offer classes? Wouldn't you also know that registration is now closed? Ha, but did that deter me? What??! Naw! Muhfukka, I'm Dre! So, me (and my alter ego Dre) emailed the professor of this "Writing for Stage and Screen" class and told him that, although I'm the second coming of Neil Simon (prolific playwright, not Paul's brother), I'm having trouble convincing anyone else. Would he please a) vouch for my brilliance and let me into his class and/or b) allow me to intern for him in exchange for some brutally honest, rogering-without-the-benefit-of-KY feedback?

I also broke down and ordered my copy of the Dramatists Sourcebook- the definitive source for playwrights and anyone connected with the theatre. It is the most comprehensive listing of theatre companies both in the US and abroad, who accepts submissions and what they're looking for. After all, maybe I'm just not sending my stuff to the right people. And $19, it was a small price to pay for a ray of hope.

Tomorrow, the results of another playwriting competition I entered will be posted on the theatre's website. I'm sure I didn't win, place, NUTHIN this time, too, but I'll check-- just for closure's sake. In the meantime, I'll continue to plug away at my SIX UNFINISHED projects...all the bosses at work are out of town on a retreat for the rest of the week, so a sista is chillin' like penicillin. Tomorrow, I'm gonna get my toes and hands done and my car washed. I'm also bringing in the ol' Mac so I can finish up my latest 10 minute jobby- a comedy about mothers-in-law.

All in all, it was a pretty productive day. I'm excited to see what tomorrow brings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an uplifting blog!