Tuesday, March 25, 2008

have you had your plus sign today?

Go ahead and scratch that whole "this week is gonna rock!!" thing. Ain't happnin', Cap'n.

However, I've resolved to move forward into today with a new outlook. I didn't get a call yesterday from my mentor, which made me anxious. I also haven't heard back from the producers about my drug dealer short. This also is cause for anxiety, as they responded within two days to my last offering. I keep telling myself that, because we have a relationship now, the producer would send a kind email saying this isn't what they were looking for. Right? I hope so. Things were trucking along nicely until we interviewed a guy for my position at work. Ya'll, this guy was REALLY good. I mean, better than me! That's when it hit me that I was not only replaceable, but one in a million at what I do. Of course, that sent the ol' ego into a tailspin. I called my husband to warn him of my foul mood before I got home and when I arrived home, he'd bought me "Enchanted" on DVD and some scratch off lottery tickets to brighten my day.

One of my friends' houses just burned down. No, it's not a punchline. Her spot is really burned down. I feel incredibly sorry for her and at the same time grateful that my house is still standing. Everything else sort of pales in comparison, no? I mean, here I am whining about being replaced by someone who will put my work to shame when this lady's house is gone. Not negating my feelings, just searching for perspective.

So that's where the morning finds me, dear readers, desperate for the lighthouse of positivity among the choppy waters of uncertainty. Maybe I'll get a call today, maybe I won't. Maybe my script will be accepted, maybe it won't. But at least I still sit on MY toilet in MY un-burned down house and complain about it.

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