Saturday, March 22, 2008

just a little on the top

Kuddos! Huzzah! Break down the cardboard box and do a head spin! We did it, kiddies! Yes, yesterday was officially a better day than Wednesday. I'm chalking it up to Wednesday Blues. That's akin to the ol' "Case of the Mondays", if you didn't know...I'm going in for a hair appointment this morning. That's right, gotta get the braids back. No particular reason- I'm just sick of messing with my insubordinate hair. It's starting to act up again, so we're going to braid it into submission. Take that (or should I say "take plat"?), nappy fro! It's five+ hours in a chair listening to generic R&B while people opine about everything from the economy to Keyshia Cole's latest hair color, but I count it well worth it.

Remember when I told you I sent off the drug dealer short? I still haven't heard anything and now I'm getting nervous. What if it's too dark? I think it's funny, but what if it isn't L.A. funny? Now, before you call me a ninny, let me say that I'm well aware that I'm being ninnified and should cut the producers some slack. After all, yesterday was Friday and I'm sure they're doing other things besides sitting around and waiting for my next three page masterpiece to arrive in their inbox. Either way, I'll keep you posted on the goings-ons.

Yesterday, between the hours of 2-4pm, was spent writing like a fiend. I've started a new romantic comedy (I know, since the first one sold for six figures, right?) about a woman who meets a guy who is too good to be true. I'm taking a new approach to this work. Usually, I get an idea, sit down at the keyboard and go to town. This time, I'm writing out a synopsis- a road map -for what is supposed to happen and why. I think this will cut down on the glaring plot problems that some of my work seems to encounter.

So that's where this morning finds me. Where does the morning find you? Anything interesting? C'mon! I can't be a ninny by myself....

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