Sunday, August 10, 2008

new ventures

In the past 24 or so hours or so, I completed a draft of a short script tentatively called "Name That Tune" and half an outline for a web series for which I had a "brilliant" idea. I'd originally thought that I could have the series scripted, shot, edited and ready to submit before the IFC Web Series contest deadline, but that may not happen. There's no script, no actors and no video camera. That pretty much puts the kibbosh on any contest plans. Still, I do plan to eventually script and shoot the pilot. Next week, the Apple store is giving a class on using movie making software and I'll be there soaking up as much as I can.

As you can see, my newest interest is short film making. Why wait for somebody else to share my vision and be responsible for the finished product? Most of my shorts involve no more than three characters and one indoor location (convenient, as I can control the lighting). I found a video camera with a built-in USB port ($149) that I can use for starters.

Completely off topic- a film company in London is looking for ten minute dramas to shoot in October. Not one to let an opportunity slip away, I'm sending in my outline after I finish this blog. Yours truly happens to have penned a thirty minute drama about a woman who believes that she was the lead singer of a '60s girl group. I'm well aware that thirty and ten are two different sums, but I believe I can chop up the script and cobble together a logical ten minute piece out of it. This is low budget, though, so right away I've gotta get rid of the airplane crash and flashback elements. I'll focus on what happens at the psychiatrist's office. Wow! I've almost got my outline already! Who said blogging was a waste of time..?

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