Wednesday, August 20, 2008

swingset epiphany

Several weeks ago, my husband I took our son to the playground for some quality family time. My son headed for the swingset while my husband and I headed for the soccer fields. After a few minutes, my eight year old son cried out that he couldn't swing himself and he needed "help" (code for too lazy to do it myself. Honestly, how do you "help" someone swing without actually pushing them? Anyway...), so I threw the bullshit flag and kept practicing my corners. When I looked over at the Kid, he was swinging himself. That's when I thought "Hmm. This must be what God feels like when I'm complaining about not being able to do something when I am, in fact, doing it."

I may not be as high as I want to be, but my legs are swinging and that's enough.

1 comment:

Elayne said...

I love this metaphor. Thank you for sharing!