Saturday, August 9, 2008

not a word...

Yesterday, it was so freeing to not write that this morning, I thought, "why rock the boat"? Really. Except for this blog, I haven't written a thing all day. But the day was not wasted...I spent the afternoon downtown perusing the antique shops and eating flavored popcorn. I love antique shops- anything from the 1950s and early 60s gives me an imaginary chubby. Today I bought a book called "In Training" that was intended to be a coming-of-age, "this is what's happening to your body" manual for teenagers. It was from 1943 and spent about nine pages talking about the evils of self-abuse or what we now know as masturbation. Tee-hee. It would be totally laughable if it wasn't written by an M.D.

Big ups to my sister!! She made it past the first set of gatekeepers for a whiz-bang fashion school scholarship. Woo-hoo! Big thangs poppin, indeed. Speaking of big things, (usually I would segue into a comment about my thighs, but not tonight. See how far we've come??) I received a note today from the agent reading Mixtape. It was a nice note, just letting me know that they have received my screenplay. So professional and very appreciated.

The city paper never contacted me. Guess I wasn't on their short list of potential food writers. *sigh*

Enough of this vacation. I need to get back into the writing thing again. It just seems that whenever I sit down to the keyboard, I want to go to sleep or start crying uncontrollably. What the hell is wrong with me? Writer's block? Pshaw. I would kill for writer's block. I don't know what this is, but it's unproductive and silly. Resolved: I will write tomorrow. Even if I'm typing through tears, it must be done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out!