Thursday, February 14, 2008

all you need is love

The calendar swears that it's Valentines Day, although if I didn't know any better, I would say that it was Thursday. In honor of the day, I'll listen to some Beatles: All You Need is Love. Such a divine, naive message. Anyway, I'm telecommuting today, as the idiotic school system has decided to cancel school for the HINT of snow on the ground, so I have to stay home with the monkey. I'm more upset because it's donut day and I'm not too keen on missing my weekly pastry.

Writing has been slow going, but it's been going. My submissions for the month of February have been low. I'm talking two submissions, compared to last year's nine. But now that I've decided to relax my rules on playhouse entry fees, things should pick up. In fact, when I get finished with this blog, I'm diving back into the webisphere to suss out more opportunities.

On Friday, the results of another playwriting competition I entered will be announced. This festival is close to home, so it would be an especial coup to make it. I'll let you know how that turns out. Be easy.

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