Sunday, February 24, 2008

what's my DJ's name?

What's my DJ's name? Cut Creator!

It's been a Georgia minute since I've written,so let me fill you in on all the juicy juice. I've been a submitting fool this last week, mailing off no less than three play scripts to three different contests and/or playhouses open to unsolicited submissions. Unsolicited, by the way, means you can just send them your play without going through the query letter dance. The unsolicited submission is my favorite; it bolsters my submission quota.

For those of you who may not know, I am governed by self-imposed submission quotas. I keep monthly stats and try to beat those stats the next year. Last year, I ended February with eight queries. This February, I'm poised to end the month with no less than twelve. That's a coup. Actually, a coup would be to have an agent, but beggars can't be represented.

Speaking of agents, I have ordered my new Hollywood Representation Directory. It should be here any day now (hear that, you UPS bastards?) and I'm a little stoked. I need to see which junior screenplay agents have stepped on the scene and who also worship at the altar of the unsolicited submission. Last week, I called five agencies in Los Angeles. I got four answering machines and one hang up. Yep, you heard me right. I got halfway through the ol' speech when *click*. Guess they're not open to new clients...

This week, I also had an idea for another play. It's called "Easy Listening". I'm about halfway to figuring out what exactly the play is about- usually the characters will let me know as I'm writing the abstract. I'll keep you posted on how all that goes, too.

As for queries/agents/playhouses, I haven't heard anything else. After the double one-two punch from the BBC and the KK Agency (can't say the name), there's nothing screenplay-wise out there. I've allowed myself to focus on playwriting, but now it's time to get back in the game. Time to make some calls, rattle some cages, beat those bushes. As much as I hate it, it's time to get back on the phone.


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