Wednesday, February 13, 2008


We interviewed seven people yesterday for my position and none of them hit a home run. Only two of the seven showed up in a suit, one girl tried to give me a hug and another girl asked me if the people in my work didn't like black people. All in all, it was a very tiring day. I came home, had six hot wings and called it a night. Too mentally and physically exhausted to do much of anything else.

Gnarls Barkley's new song "Run" is good, if not a complete rip off of Timbox's "Beggin'" from the early sixties. The sound is very sixties in London- a take on the ol' Mark Ronson/Amy Winehouse trip. But I prefer the original old stuff. The feeling behind it is much more genuine. There doesn't seem to be a respect for the music they are biting nowadays. This is evident as the new stuff sounds like a bad copy, very tinny and hollow. Gnarls Barkley is one of my favorites, but you can almost hear the lack of soul.

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