Sunday, February 17, 2008

back in the saddle

Talk about the shortest retirement in recorded history! After the soul-draining, blood-letting, confidence shattering experience with the BBC yesterday, I'm back at the old keyboard researching markets, prepping submissions and, of course, creating. Besides the BBC, I still have a few big irons in the fire.

Iron 1: Hollywood agent reading my romantic comedy

Iron 2: Nickelodeon Fellowship

Iron 3: The umptisquat number of playwriting contests/festivals I have entered across the country.

Speaking of playwriting festivals, the results for the one in Washington, D.C. were supposed to be posted yesterday to the website, but they hadn't been posted as of last night. I'll check again and get back with you.

As an aside, I'm wearing a new shade of lipstick this morning. I can't remember what it's called; I won it at a Mary Kay event last weekend. When I first put it on, I looked a tad "To Wong Foo", but it's growing on me. It's just a little more pink than I'm used to. Of course, your girl's been wearing the same shade of lippy since the first George Bush was in office. Uh-huh. Like Bob Dylan once garbled, "The times, they are a-changin'".

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