Monday, February 25, 2008

flu musings

Have you ever had the kind of diarrhea that just keeps coming so that by the end of the whole thing, you're basically peeing out of your butt? That's where the day finds me. After several hours of shooting brown water from my tuchas, I took the day off so I could rest my weary and very dehydrated body. Of course, my son was sick at the same time I was, so the day wasn't quite as fruitful as I'd hoped. Still, I got some writing done, watched a couple of sitcoms for research and have now retired to the office to prep my submission mailings for tomorrow.

UPS bastards didn't bring my Hollywood Directory. I should stop calling them bastards because I checked my receipt today and got a humbling surprise. As it turns out, your friendly neighborhood cheapskate opted for UPS Ground shipping to shave a whole $2 off the shipping price. So if I don't get my directory before Chinese Democracy hits the record store (or China, for that matter), I've got nobody to blame but me.

My newest story is now on offer in the "Delfantastika Elsewhere" section to the right, just in case you haven't read it yet. The acceptance letters have been slow coming, but I promise to update when necessary.

Did you know that "Mac" means "son of" in Scotland? That's why so many surnames start with Mac there. MacDonald, MacHenry, MacMillan... It's truly amazing what one can learn when one is nearly bedbound and the remote is waaaaaaaaayyyyyy the hell across the room.

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