Monday, December 24, 2007

christmas spirit

Allow me to opine about Kwanza. Never was there a heavier load of quasi-cultural bullshit. My people pulled this malarky from their collective fourth point of contact for the sake of being different and difficult. So here's my holiday message to the moron who made it up: Look here, potnah- December 25 is, and always has been, Christmas. Christmas is the celebration of when the baby Jesus was born. There is no baby Kwanz, therefore we do not celebrate his notional birth. This whole concept is ridiculous, but I'll make you a deal. I'll start celebrating Kwanza when I get my reparations. Yeah, wait on it.

Believe me when I say your girl is cloaked in the spirit of mahfukin Christmas! In fact, I'm wearing that bitch like a giant yuletide body condom. Of course, I've passed the point of getting loot from Santa, but this year I received life and laughter from God everyday. Or is it Kwanz?


Anonymous said...

Awwww, positivity. Yes. I see you've had your plus sign today.

Delafantastika said...

Do we mark you present or do we mark you late? :-) Congrats on the honor roll, yo!