Saturday, December 1, 2007

the last today- I promise!

I gave a writer-friend feedback today and I'm uneasy about it. The piece was wonderful (as usual), but I'm afraid that I may have said something that offended her. See, I have a schadenfreunde who constantly mistakes a request for critique as an opportunity to tear my writing down and I don't want to be like that. I'm probably totally overreacting (as is my wont), so I'll just leave it as it is. But I don't want her to think that I didn't like the story. I just don't know if I got that across or not. Okay- I'm done analyzing it.

This afternoon, I found no less than six more potential places to send my ten-minute plays. Instead of writing neurotic blogs, I should be banging out pages of "Bad Joke". The play is just what it sounds like, too- a bad, sad, and oh-so-tired joke. Why do I feel compelled to write it? Because it's my joke!


Elayne said...

Dude! You are being silly. Your analysis of my work was on the mark, and you always help me see where I can improve. You never, never have to sugar-coat a critique for me. If you say what's in your head and heart, you can't go wrong.

Delafantastika said...

Thanks. You are the wind beneath my psychotic, over-analyzing wings.