Friday, December 21, 2007

Oh, the weather outside is frightful!

Okay, I lied. It's not frightful. It's 44 degrees which isn't freezing, but isn't exactly Miami in July, either. I'm gracing a Christmas shindig in about half an hour and I'm stoked because it's with two of my three- count 'em, three- friends in this sleepy little burg. Last year, my friends and I had a Christmas party where I got embarassingly drunk and tried to undress. I got as far as my top. Unfortunately, I became stuck inside my own turtleneck and spent about twenty minutes screaming like a banshee and pleading with the other guests to "rescue" me. The next day, I felt compelled to bring the hostess a houseplant and an apology.

Got a Christmas bonus today! Yay! I went straight to el banco after work and cashed the hell out of it. Now, I've got pocket full of duckets. That's always a good feeling.

So far, I've gotten about $50 in Starbucks gift cards this Christmas. I gave one to the bank teller tonight. I think I'll stand outside Kmart and give the rest away tomorrow. I appreciate the sentiment, but coffee and teeth bleachings don't mix.

Let the merrymaking begin!

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