Monday, December 10, 2007

Happy Monday!

Traditionally, my Monday's are fantastic. I seem to always get good news or be on the receiving end of good fortune on Mondays. This morning I opened up my email and there was a message from a playhouse I've been pestering (er, courting) for about a year now. Anyway, they're part of my "congrats" mailing list, so whenever I get positive writing news, I pass it on to them. ANYWAY, the artistic director wrote me back (re: Suburban Psycho optioning) and with a hearty congrats and an offer for me to submit to the one-act festival in May. Yay!! How cool is that? I'm going to write her this morning and let her know that, although I cannot submit "Suburban Psycho" because of the format, scene changes, etc., I can submit another one-act that I have under my hat. An aside- I wonder if she's gone back and read "Slow Burn" because of my email? That's the purpose of the mailing list. To jog people's memories and let them know I'm still out there.

Last Friday, I received a rejection letter from a New York playhouse. That one was for the ten-minute tongue-in-cheek 50s play. Ah, well.

It's 6:25am and I'm due at work in an hour, so I'll have to close. I'm excited to see what the rest of the day brings!

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